arrowServices ArroweSteel Process


  1. Structural Engineering
  2. Detailing
  3. Fabrication
  4. Erection


You can rely on our structural engineers for design excellence in all aspects of your project.  Our projects have received awards on local, state and national levels. Engineers work directly with construction staff throughout the project, creating a truly integrated team, assuring constructability and quality.
Teams work regularly on the same project types and for the same clients, bringing their collective knowledge and expertise to create an exceptional solution for each project.  All team members, whether design or construction, maintain a single objective of satisfaction of the client throughout the process and in the finished facility.


One of the largest detailing firms in the Southwest, dtl’s INCORPORATED was established in 1995 and now has 13 structural steel detailers to support the phenomenal growth of AmFab, Inc., it’s Steel Fabricator sister company. Utilizing technology that far surpasses the current industry standards, dtl’s uses a process that takes design thru the detailing process and into fabrication, COMPLETELY DIGITALLY. The dtl’s modeling technique fosters greater collaboration between members of the building team, which results in reduced project schedules, significant cost savings, improved quality control and much greater productivity.

  1. Project Range of 50 to 4,000 sheets
  2. Extensive Quality review before submittal
  3. Precision
  4. Innovative technology


AmFab is a turnkey steel fabrication company providing comprehensive steel construction solutions to our clients. We are dedicated to providing innovative technology, processes and expert project management. With our recently expanded shop, we have the capacity to handle any size project, located anywhere is the United States



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